Plays on iMacs (revision B or later), G3s (blue and white desktops or later), or G4s.
MacOS 9.0 or later
333 MHz or faster
64 MB memory (96 MB recommended)
8 MB of video memory
Open GL 3D Hardware Acceleration Required (Rage Pro, Rage 128 or better)
OpenGL 1.2 or later
DrawSprocket 1.7.6 or later
InputSprocket 1.7.3 or later
No special installation is required. If you need any of the above software, visit the Apple web sites for these products.
Mouse Pointers Alignment - Sometimes during the game the bitmap pointer and the MacOS 9.x pointer get out sync from each other move the pointer so that both are at the bottom left of screen.
MacOS 9.x - If solid white bitmaps within the game in this version this due that you require more VRAM for MacOS 9.x. MacOS-X doesn't have this problem as it has a better texture management system.
Performance Tips
Here are a few things you can try to make the game play faster and smoother:
• Quit all other open applications.
• Restart your Mac with only necessary extensions (Mac OS base extensions, QuickTime, Draw & Input Sprockets, OpenGL), using the Extensions Manager control panel.
Bugs Fixed
• Fixed that custom .wav files can be played.
• Fixed a problem which effected some users, when trying to save highlights to the golden goals.
• Fixes to joystick code for 10.2
Tested Joysticks.
Gravis Gamepad
MacAlly IShock II
Sateik P750 (10.2 onwards only)
LogiTech Driving Force Steer wheel
ThrustMast Fox-2-Pro Joystick
Logitech Wingman Extreme joystick
Logitech Wingman Attack 2
Thrustmaster wheel.
Known Issues
There are few minor bugs which need addressing due to fact that the MacOS version is not at the same source level as the PC version of the game and we hope to address this soon so both versions will be at the same level.